Driving results with business networks
The people network
On a smarter planet, inter-connectivity goes beyond connecting computers and smart devices. The advance of Web 2.0 and social networking technologies has now shifted the focus to people networks: It’s as much about and relationships as it is about the technologies. People are using social networking in staggering numbers. The world currently spends 110 billion minutes on social networks and blog sites per month. This equates to 22 percent of all time spent online.1 Pioneering organizations see opportunity in this shift. They are integrating social collaboration capabilities into their strategies, operations, and processes. Whether it’s with customers, partners, or employees, these organizations use collaboration tools to improve efficiency, solve problems, create opportunities, boost productivity, and drive innovation that makes them more competitive and successful.
Become a people business
According to IBM, 95 percent of what are termed standout organizations will focus more on getting closer to the customer4 over the next five years and 57 percent are more likely to allow their people to use social and collaborative tools5. It’s not a coincidence. Leading organizations are using social collaboration to delight customers, to drive innovation, and to bring out the best in their business networks and employees. IBM has the tools and expertise to help you maximize the value of social collaboration in business environments, including profiles, blogs, wikis, bookmarking, tagging, activities, communities, shared files, team spaces with content management tools, enterprise instant messaging, online meetings, audio and video chat, email and calendaring, delivered on premises or in the cloud.
Featured Products
IBM Connections
Social software for business, letting you access everyone in your professional network
IBM Connections Suite
IBM social software, real-time communications, and content management capabilities in a single offering
IBM Notes and Domino
Bringing together messaging, social collaboration, and business applications into a unified dashboard
IBM Sametime
Unified, real-time communication and collaboration services, including enterprise instant messaging, online meetings, telephony, and video conferencing